Veneers | The perfect cover

Minor irregularities, poorly formed, heavily filled, worn down and chipped front teeth can all be restored back to proper form and function with veneers.

A Veneer is a thin layer of material placed over a tooth, bonding to the existing tooth structure and resulting in an immediate improvement to the aesthetics of a tooth or protecting damage to the tooth’s surface.

Dental Veneers can be fabricated using two types of material: composite and dental porcelain. Composite Veneers can be built-up in the mouth or indirectly fabricated and later bonded to the tooth. Porcelain Veneers can only be indirectly fabricated.

We use only professional, high-quality labs to ensure a long-lasting and affordable restoration.

Although veneers are not always suitable for everyone, they are an optimal solution for:

  • Improving the colour and shape of your smile
  • Closing spaces between front teeth
  • Restoring broken or chipped teeth
  • Straightening slightly crooked teeth
  • Covering unsightly, stained or washed-out fillings.